Info and Help

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Want a 5 Minute Chat?
Have you visited our site and feel you would benefit from a 5 minute chat to clarify a detail or to discuss listing with nzbizbuysell? Call Richard on 021846219 for a friendly and confidential chat. In today's online world, it is important that our customers feel they can pick up the phone and talk to us direct. Call Now
Want Help Writing your Ad?
We offer a simple and intuitive online procedure for listing a business on nzbizbuysell. For some, however, crafting the word content of an ad may present a hurdle. We wish to help you get over this hurdle and therefore offer an ad writing service. You provide us the information and we craft this into a succinct well-worded ad for a small ad-write fee of $50 plus gst. Note if the process is more involved, then this fee may be up to $100 plus gst (but we will tell you first). Contact Us to discuss
Curious about Business Brokers?
Business Brokers offer a service selling businesses on behalf of the business owner - similar to a real estate agent. They have a fee structure and offer various marketing strategies. At nzbizbuysell we offer listing services to these NZ business brokers. We also have a Broker Directory, as well as a rich array of articles regarding brokers. These can be helpful in considering whether to use a broker and also how to choose a top business broker.
Here are some useful sites for more information.