Become part of our Accountants Directory
Are you a professional Chartered Accountant in New Zealand?Do you offer quality accounting services to small businesses?
Are you looking for more customers and more business from business buyers?
We can help you gain MORE CLIENTS & MORE BUSINESS
for your company!
Why add your company to our Accountants Directory?
nzbizbuysell has been helping NZ Business Buyers and Sellers connect for over 20 years and provides key resources to assist this process. Business Buyers need Accountants, and many buyers need to find a suitable Accountant to help. That's why we have a Directory of NZ Accountants who can help business and franchise buyers in evaluating, buying and running their new business.
1. A Basic Listing - FREE. Your company's details and key person contact.2. A Featured Profile - $30+GST/quarter. Add a logo, and profile your company's capabilities.
[In placing a directory listing you agree to abide by our terms and conditions and receive our Accountant Updates. We reserve the right to withdraw any listing at anytime. You MUST be a Chartered Accountant operating in New Zealand.]
Join Up Today
Gain greater exposure for your company and services:- Secure new clients.
- Gain more business.
- Help Buyers evaluate, structure, set up systems and succeed in business.
Alternatively call Richard on 03 337 0005
Or drop us a note to find out more