AD ID: 97608
Apiary Business for Sale Greater Auckland Region
$2,500,000 (plus GST if any)
Apiary - Buzzing with Many Growth Opportunities

Why buy this Apiary Business
Apiary Business for Sale Greater Auckland Region
Based in the greater Auckland region, this very professional apiary already has a very competent Operations Manager and other key staff in place. Specialising in a number of areas, this business is well on its way to meeting the global industry demands for other than honey.With secure hive locations in place for their over 2,000 hives, including wintering sites, there is ample room in the currently leased business premises to grow the hive numbers, continue the focus on Nucs and further increase the many lucrative income sales channels already established - some global.
With a very dedicated team in place, the Vendors are able to focus their time working on the business - not in it. However, they have identified that they are not anywhere meeting the insatiable international market and have decided that they would like to see a new and more entrepreneurial owner take it to the next level - or 3, and reap the rewards. As a comprehensive hand-over would be promised, and with key operational staff already in place, you do not necessarily have to have had any major depth of experience in this industry.
If you like what you are reading and have the capability to further grow this already professional operation, then don't hesitate to learn more. This industry has been extremely kind to most apiarists financially over the last 10 - 20 years, with a bright future for NZ honeys ahead - well positioned to capitalise on the country's pristine reputation.
Stock $300,000 (approx.)
Tangibles $1,500,000 (includes hives & Nucs)
Intangibles $700,000
Total $2,500,000 (plus GST if any)
This will very likely be a highly sort after business and if you are keen to move forward and regain your work / life balance in this lifestyle business, for further information you will need to visit, register your details and submit the online Confidentiality Agreement. Once Mike receives your expression of interest he will be in touch.
Licensed REAA 2008. Copyright Barker Business Brokerage 2025.
Property Code: 1602
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