PRICED FOR A QUICK SALE: 10K ONO : This is an online only (part-time) relatively new dropshipping business / trading website based store for Adults (R18). No special skills required - 1 Half-day (4 Hours) Training on Zoom or in Person in Auckland included.
Online Adults Store Business for Sale Auckland
I just almost doubled the amount (457 active listings are now on it with multiple variants) current popular in US products plus did even better SEO with much bigger & well know Digital Marketing Company. Just also introduced a "Random Draw Discount Code System" - most recent and popular marketing tool...
It has many popular Americas (broad range) products sourced from AliExpress. The market for this online store is Americas (USA, Canada, Mexico), outside Americas including NZ accepted too.
Adult toys belong to the hygiene group meaning the minimum number of cheaters who what to try it and return back within 30 days for a full refund!
This part-time business (requiring only a couple of hours work per day or less) is relatively new, 4 years old and has already 1564+ customers (over 500 subscribers) mainly in the US. It runs on Shopify Platform. Total sales in 4 years to date : US$43,891+ out of the total number of orders: 1,033+ and 20,091+ store sessions ref the attached files; for more info NDA to be completed.
Running it is easy, no stock required. The suppliers in PRC will ship them directly to your customers. Mark-ups are approx 30%. Monthly (Shopify subscription, Apps) cost to run this website: USD39/mo
Opportunities to boost sales :
1) Google and other online paid advertising.
2) Open an Amazon store, list there the same products for the US market and integrate it with the website.
3) Increase the number of listed products at no cost other than your time
Why do I want to sell it?... I lost a job cause of COVID, learned (a lot about) IT & created it, this year I found a high paid/too busy job; so no need it..
For more info please contact Alex via email (preferably): or sms on: 022 6490699 (evening).