AD ID: 121295 Inactive

Shearing Machine Servicing Business for Sale Gisborne Area

Price Negotiable

Makes a very comfortable living. Lifestyle with income servicing shearing machines in the Gisborne, Wairoa and East Coast regions. Expansion possibilities. Purchase with or without vehicle.

Shearing Machine Servicing Business for Sale Gisborne Area

Why buy this Shearing Machine Servicing Business

Shearing Machine Servicing Business for Sale Gisborne Area

This business would suit semi retired tradie, shearer or contractor seeking off season work be your own boss and work the hours you want.

This business is being run from Gisborne servicing shearing machines in the Gisborne, Wairoa and East Coast regions but is not confined to this area, as a contact list can be provided for past customers around most of the NZ. A great way to see parts of NZ you don't normally visit.

Price includes a 2016 Mazda BT50 4WD 130,000 km with custom built deck, specialist tools, stock & training.

This can be purchased without the vehicle for $40000 with specialist tools, stock & training.

Only genuine enquiries please. Contact Wayne today to find out more!