NZ/Aus SAAS investment with $770K ARR and EBIT $580K
Why buy this SAAS Investment Business
SAAS Investment Business for Sale Auckland
NZ/Aus SAAS investment with $770K ARR and EBIT $580K Software as a service subscription business hosted by AWS with $770K in recurring revenue annually. $1.2M of total revenue is evenly spread between Australia and NZ. Partner with Xero, MYOB, Accredo and Crystal Payroll Customers are typically SME manufacturing and engineering businesses who often use the extensive integration features of the software with their existing accounting and ERP systems. 4 Year Contract value of new clients $1.2M Opportunities like this are rare; the chance to buy a growing EBIT of $580K p.a. while you plan the growth of this SAAS company that boasts an impressive portfolio of customer testimonials. The price of the business is $2,500,000 to include all IP.