AD ID: 118571
Variety Store Business for Sale Bay of Plenty
A Hidden Gem! Variety Store In Bay Of Plenty

Why buy this Variety Store Business
Variety Store Business for Sale Bay of Plenty
A Hidden Gem! Variety Store In Bay Of Plenty
This is a shop similar to Dollar shop but with more upmarket products of good margin. The business makes very good income for working couple. Local customers really enjoy a good variety of products with very reasonable price which keeps them coming back...
Business Highlights:
* Proven successful retail store with consistent profit
* Great location in town centre
* Low competition and loyal local customers
* Big shop and reasonable rent
* Great family business and easy operation
Your business selling team:
Henry Han, 021 516 588,
Susan Han, 027 566 8938,
***Some details of the business for sale are confidential and can only be disclosed upon contacting the broker and a completion of a Confidentiality Agreement. Due to the confidentiality of this business a stock photo image may be used to represent the business.
#buyabusiness #wesellbusinesses #retail #bayofplenty
Ref: EL04192
Timestamp: 20240513031502
For more info Contact:
Henry Han
09 555 6068 or 021 516 588
Link Business (Ellerslie)
Licensed REAA 2008
Broker Ref: EL04192
Licensed REAA 2008
Broker Ref: EL04192

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