Experienced Knowledgeable Staff - Top Quality Products - Three NZ Locations - B2B.
With 40-years successful history this business is a market force with a deep understanding of its market’s requirements. Employees have strong industry and product knowledge; combined, this has ensured that this business has remained an industry leader. This business has created an excellent reputation and enjoys very high brand awareness within its sectors.
The customer base numbers approx. 350 active monthly accounts which operate in a wide variety of diverse markets. Sales are spread across all customers, with no reliance on any one or two large customers.
The business promotes quality above price. This is reflected in the suppliers they choose to partner with, who include international manufacturers & distributors of world leading products. There are a large number of strong enduring supplier relationships which include in many cases the business being the sole NZ sellers of products.
The vendor's role is Managing Director, encompassing general management, people management, sales, administration and business overview. Below the vendor are an operations manager, admin & office manager, sales specialists and a team of 13 employees.
The vendor will ensure a thorough handover, which could include being retained in some capacity as an advisor post settlement. Terms of any such arrangement will be discussed during the sale process.
The business uses quality software and maintains superb, detailed business records and analysis including very accurate stock records.
To find out more, visit the Barker Business website, search reference #3627 & submit the online Confidentialtiy Agreement. Geoff will be in touch once he receives your expression of interest.
Source information supplied by the Business Owner. *Cash Surplus = EBPITDA. Licensed REAA 2008. Copyright Barker Business Brokerage Ltd 2024.